IRB 6640 IRC5 M2004 235 kg payload
Arm reach 2,55 m
IRB 6400R S4CPlus REX
Arm reach 2,50 m
IRB 1400 S4C M98A
Arm reach 1,44 m
IRB 6600 S4CPlus M2000
Arm reach 2,80 m
IRB 6600 IRC5 M2004
Arm reach 2,55 m
IRB 6640 IRC5 M2004
Arm reach 2,55 m
IRB 2400/16 S4C M98
Arm reach 1,50 m
IRB 6400 S4C M98
Arm reach 2,40 m
IRB 6640 IRC5 M2004 3200 mm arm reach
Arm reach 3,20 m
IRB 2400L S4CPlus M2000
Arm reach 1,80 m
IRB 6650 Shelf S4CPlus M2000
Arm reach 3,50 m
IRB 2400/10 S4C M98A
Arm reach 1,50 m
IRB 1600 IRC5 M2004
Arm reach 1.450,00 m
IRB 2400/10 IRC5 M2004
Arm reach 1,50 m
IRB 1600iD IRC5 M2004 Multi move
Arm reach 1,50 m
IRB 2400/10 S4CPlus M2000
Arm reach 1,50 m
IRB 2400L with Fronius power supply
Arm reach 1,80 m
Welding system 3x IRB 1400 multimove IRC5
Arm reach 1,44 m
IRB 2400-16 IRC5
Arm reach 1,50 m
Arc Mate 120iB RJ3iB
Arm reach 1,67 m
M16iB R30iA
Arm reach 1,66 m
Welding Fanuc Arc Mate 120iC R30iA Lincoln i400
Arm reach 1,88 m
Arm reach 1,61 m
KR 30-3 KRC2 Ed05
Arm reach 2,03 m
KR 60/3 KRC2 Ed05
Arm reach 2,03 m
KR 150-2 Series 2000 KRC2
Arm reach 2,70 m
KR 125 - KR150
Arm reach 2,80 m
KR 5 ARC KRC4 + Fronius TS5000
Arm reach 1,41 m
Welding column Robot Fanuc Arc Mate 100iB RJ3ib + Kemppi
Arm reach 1,37 m
Yaskawa - Motoman
UP 165
Arm reach 2,65 m
ZX 165U
Arm reach 3,23 m
Are robots the future of welding?
The use of second-hand industrial robots for these tasks is key in the adaptation of this technology in SMEs and a great facility for R&D&I in large companies.
Are robots the future of welding? is it worth the investment of time and money in robotic welding? what payback period can I expect from a second-hand welding robot? is a used robotic arm a safe and durable tool? These and many more questions are increasingly coming to the fore as labour outsourcing and offshoring complicate matters for local manufacturing. Even more so when you consider that the countries to which we take production are already working on new technologies, tools and remedies to achieve better quality, reliability and timing than we have seen so far.
The globalisation of technology is, contrary to what it might seem, happening more slowly in the countries so far considered more developed, and this is leading to a painful delocalisation that is growing exponentially, fuelled by our own demand for cheaper products, tight deadlines or uniform qualities that have led suppliers to develop technology and research into ways to meet a demanding and growing demand.
It is now becoming clear that keeping out of the technological development and lagging behind other people's investments is slowing down the updating of production methods and increasing a problem that has become more and more evident in recent years. It is estimated that 80% of welding tasks can be performed more economically, safely and accurately by using robot welding. The reality is that robots are extremely reliable and efficient in repetitive welding tasks. Robotics offer higher quality welding by eliminating many of the variables that negatively influence welding. A welding robot, including a second-hand welding robot, is an effective tool capable of increasing profits and reducing costs associated with the manufacture of a huge variety of products, while greatly minimising the possibility of unforeseen events, accidents, scrap and eventualities in finishes or results.
These constants mean that considering an investment may be the only way to keep up with our competitors in terms of numbers, deadlines and quality. Given that in welding the tool is the main factor when it comes to achieving speed, precision or even quality control in real time, second-hand welding robots are an excellent option that can reduce our investment by 45%, making it easier to dedicate more time to researching their use and possibilities, and also to amortisation in less than a year.
A robot arm can handle (almost) everything: arc welding, spot welding, arc welding, TIG welding, MIG MAG welding, laser welding or the flexible plasma welding: used industrial robots are suitable for all options. Used industrial robots are not only a modern and ecologically sustainable solution, they are also adaptable to almost any requirements.
There is a growing need to upgrade traditional manufacturing processes to the automated environment: it is key to the competitiveness of companies today and will be even more so in the future, as shown by the growing importance of welding robots worldwide. The lack of updating and modernisation of processes, linked to the need to adjust costs, has for decades led to the relocation of production sites and small and medium-sized companies to an increasing competitive imbalance: a very productive and consistent solution at all levels, especially in terms of price, lies in the use of second-hand welding robots for the automation of all those processes that allow costs to be adjusted and competitiveness to be increased.
Robots Gallery buys, reconditions and sells used industrial robots of the main brands: ABB, Kuka, Fanuc, Motoman - Yaskawa... all over the world. Through recycling and reuse we provide an average saving of 45% on the investment in industrial robots, providing equipment with a long life ahead, fully functional, guaranteed, and amortizable in more affordable terms. Furthermore, working with the best welding specialists, we offer second-hand industrial robots already equipped for welding and we provide our customers with contact with engineering companies specialised in the execution of turnkey robotised welding products.